21 July 2022

Flipped Classroom

Learning outside the classroom.

After years working in e-learning we realize that the traditional teaching model is lagging behind. What if we were to turn it around? Is it viable a model where teachers go from transmitters of knowledge to pedagogical companions?

In this article we not only bring you the answer, but also explain from our experience why you should opt for this model.

What are Flipped Classrooms?

The flipped classroom, also known as “inverted classrooms” is a teaching model where students work on the content of the class beforehand and then put it into practice.

In other words: in the traditional teaching model, teachers are in charge of transmitting knowledge directly. Students, on the other hand, are only passive receivers. Boring, isn’t it? 🥱

In inverted classes, it is the students who study and work previously on the theoretical material (by watching videos, reading, homework, etc.) and attend the class with the knowledge already acquired. In this way, the teacher becomes a pedagogical companion, in charge of resolving the doubts and needs of the students in a participatory, inclusive and dynamic environment.

The advantages of breaking with the traditional educational model

If we talk about the advantages of flipped classrooms, we should discuss them for both teachers and students:

Regarding the students, we can observe that those who have studied under this new educational model present greater autonomy since they themselves are the ones who manage their time to invest it in reading and studying the materials. This also favors their involvement in the course, making the learning process more efficient and creative.

“In flipped classrooms, students go at their own pace, and not at the pace set by the teacher.”

For teachers, the main advantage is being able to prioritize students and their needs, making learning more inclusive and personalized. This is achieved thanks to the fact that classes become a space for participation and reflection by including simulations, work groups or debates. based on the theory previously studied by the students.

Another important aspect is the elimination of the role of the teacher as a transmitter of knowledge, since in inverted classes, the focus is on pedagogy and not on content, making the teacher become a companion during the learning process.

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Examples of inverted classes

Now that we have explained what flipped classrooms are all about, you may be wondering how you can start applying this model to your classrooms. Therefore, we bring you 3 examples that we have worked on recently and that we can assure you are giving excellent results in the learning process of the students.

In the most common inverted classroom model we find thatteachers provide a set of resources that students must study prior to class. In this way, classes are used to put into practice what has been learned through practical exercises and other activities that encourage participation and knowledge expansion.

  • Tip: Provide quality resources that facilitate reading and studying, as well as spaces to resolve students’ doubts as quickly as possible.

Another example in which we worked was an inverted classroom with live lectures. As in the previous example, students study the theoretical content previously but this time, they complement it with the live session offered by the teacher. In this live session, the teacher can take the opportunity to perform demonstrations, group work and resolve doubts in real time.

  • Tip: Just as we told you in our article “Education in streaming“we advise you to offer a quality broadcast to avoid dropouts during the session and to make it more fluid.

Finally, not so common but surprisingly effective, we have the double inverted class where students take both roles: teacher and student. Here, the students must be the ones who explain the content (after having read it previously) to share what they have learned with the rest of the students, and in this way, assess the assimilation of the content.

  • Tip: As a teacher, in this flipped classroom, it is essential to promote learner participation and keep them motivated throughout the course. This can be achieved through the use of badges or by encouraging feedback among participants.

Shall we turn your classes around?

If you are a teacher and the traditional educational model does not suit you, it’s time to take your classes to another level. And what better way to do it than with e-learning experts like us?

Like you, we prioritize the pedagogical factor over the content, that’s why our courses include different sections and activities that not only favor the understanding of the content, but also offer a unique learning experience .

If you want to see what we are capable of doing, you can consult our tailor-made courses section in the following link: https://www.magnore.com/servicios/cursos-a-medida or if you are not sure, contact us by e-mail at [email protected] 👋

Magnore e-Learning

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