PURPOSE – carry out the necessary commercial and administrative formalities with the users of the website
– send commercial advertising communications by email, fax, SMS, MMS, social communities or any other electronic or physical means (if previously accepted)
– respond to queries and/or provide information requested by the User;
– provide services and/or products contracted or subscribed by the User
– CV Management
LEGITIMACY RECIPIENTS Consent of the person concerned. +info
RECIPIENTS OF ASSIGNMENTS AND INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS Your data will not be transferred to third parties except by legal obligation.
No international transfers will be made without your prior consent.
RIGHTS Access, rectify, and cancel the data, as well as the other rights indicated in the additional information. +info
CONSERVATION Your data will be kept in the records of treatment of our ownership while its conservation is necessary to meet the purpose that motivated its collection, as well as during the period of attention of possible legal obligations.

Additional and detailed information on Data Protection can be found on our website:

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us, so this document explains what data we collect from users, how we use it and for what purpose, among other things. Users over 14 years of age may register as users without the prior consent of their parents, guardians or legal representatives. In the case of children under 14 years of age or identified as “legally incompetent”, we will always require parental consent, or the consent of a guardian or legal representative.

For your information, we will never request more information than we actually need for the services requested; we will never share it with third parties, except by legal obligation or with your prior authorization; and we will never use your data for any other purpose not previously indicated.

As a user, you should carefully read this privacy policy on a regular basis, and whenever you enter your personal data, as this document may undergo changes as the provider may change any information that may appear on the web to comply with regulations or update the policy, and there is no obligation to pre-notify or inform users of these obligations, being sufficient the publication on the website of the provider.


Identity: MAGNORE SL (also the provider)
Postal address: Carrer d’August 28, 1º1ª, 43003 TARRAGONA
E-mail: [email protected]

MAGNORE SLas responsible for the Website, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and other current legislation on the protection of personal data, and by Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), informs you that it has implemented the necessary technical and organizational security measures to ensure and protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data entered.

Purpose of treatment

Your personal data will only be used for the following purposes:

  • To carry out the necessary commercial and administrative procedures with the users of the web;
  • To send commercial advertising communications by email, fax, SMS, MMS, social communities or any other electronic or physical means, in the event that the User has expressly consented to the sending of commercial communications by electronic means by subscribing to the NEWSLETTER;
  • Respond to queries and/or provide information requested by the User;
  • Perform the services and/or products contracted or subscribed by the User.
  • Use your data to contact you, both electronically and non-electronically, to obtain your feedback on the service provided and,
  • Notify you of changes, important developments in the privacy policy, legal notice or cookie policy.
  • Profiling and usability analysis will be performed.
  • The data of customers and/or suppliers will be processed, within the contractual relationship that binds them to the responsible party, in compliance with the administrative, fiscal, accounting and labor obligations that are necessary under current legislation.

Use of Photographs: The photographs posted on the website are the property of MAGNORE SL, including those of minors, in which, in order to obtain them, the prior consent of parents, guardians or legal representatives has been obtained by signing the forms made for this purpose by the centers in which the minors are part of.
However, parents, guardians or representatives of minors, as holders of the exercise of the rights of these, and always prior formal written request, may indicate their refusal to the use of the image of the minor; in this case, the image will be shown pixelated.

You may revoke your consent at any time by sending a letter with the subject “Unsubscribe” to [email protected].

In accordance with the LSSICE, MAGNORE SL does not engage in SPAM practices, therefore, does not send commercial e-mails that have not been previously requested or authorized by the User.
Consequently, in all communications you receive from the provider, the user has the ability to cancel their express consent to receive our communications.

We will not process your personal data for any other purpose than those described above except by legal obligation or court order.

You will not be subject to decisions based on automated processing that produce effects on your data.

Retention of your data

Your data will be kept for the duration of the business relationship with us or you exercise your right of cancellation, opposition or revocation of consent.
Even if you have exercised your rights correctly, we must keep your data duly blocked for the duration of the periods legally provided for in the applicable provisions.

Legitimacy of the treatment

The legal basis for the processing of data is your consent given at the time of providing your data in the corresponding form to carry out the purposes, at the time of ticking the checkbox.

The prospective or commercial offer of products and services is based on the consent requested, without in any case the withdrawal of this consent conditioning the execution of the subscription contract.

Failure to provide the requested personal data or not accepting this privacy policy implies the impossibility of achieving the purposes described above.

In cases where there is a prior contractual relationship between the parties, the legitimacy for the development of the administrative, tax and accounting obligations that are necessary under current legislation will be the prior existence of the business relationship established between the parties.


Any communication sent will be incorporated into the information systems of MAGNORE SL By accepting these conditions, terms and policies, the User expressly consents to MAGNORE SL to perform the following activities and / or actions, unless otherwise indicated by the User:

  • The sending of commercial and/or promotional communications by any means enabled informing Users of the activities, services, promotions, advertising, news, offers and other information on services and products related to the activity.
  • In the event that the User has expressly consented to the sending of commercial communications by electronic means by subscribing to the NEWSLETTER, the sending of such communications by electronic means informing Users of the activities, services, promotions, advertising, news, offers and other information about the services and products of MAGNORE SL equal or similar to those that were initially contracted or of interest to the User.
  • The retention of data for the periods provided for in the applicable provisions.

Official media

The user is informed that the means enabled by the company to communicate with customers and other affected parties is the corporate telephone, company cell phones and corporate e-mail.

If you send personal information through a means of communication other than those indicated in this section, the COMPANY shall be exempt from liability in relation to the security measures provided by the medium in question.

Recipients of assignments or transfers

MAGNORE SL does not carry out any transfer or communication of data either within or outside the EU.
The provider will only provide information to law enforcement agencies under court order or by obligation of a legal rule, without prejudice to block or cancel your account if there may be indications of the commission of a crime by the user.
The information provided will be only that which the provider has at that time.

The information you provide through this website and through our various applications and websites will be hosted on the servers of MAGNORE SL, contracted to the company ONLINE SAS with tax identification number FR 35433115904 and tax domicile located at BP 438 75366 PARIS CEDEX 08 (France).
The processing of this entity’s data is governed by a data processor contract between the provider and this company.
Under no circumstances will this data processor subcontract services involving the processing of data by third parties without our prior consent.

Rights of interested parties

As a user-interested party, you may request the exercise of the following rights before MAGNORE SL by submitting a letter to the postal address in the header or sending an email to [email protected], indicating as Subject: “LOPD, EXERCISE RIGHTS”, and attaching a photocopy of your ID card or any analogous means in law, as indicated by law.


  • Right of access: allows the data subject to know and obtain information about their personal data subject to processing.
  • Right of rectification or suppression: allows you to correct errors and modify data that prove to be inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Right of cancellation: allows the deletion of data that proves to be inadequate or excessive.
  • Right of opposition: the right of the data subject not to have his or her personal data processed or to have the processing of such data stopped.
  • Limitation of processing: involves the marking of the personal data stored, in order to limit their future processing.
  • Data portability: provision of the processed data to the data subject, so that he/she can transmit it to another data controller without hindrance.
  • Right not to be subject to automated individual decisions (including profiling): the right not to be subject to a decision based on automated processing that produces effects or significantly affects.

As a user, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
The withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to the withdrawal of consent.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority if you believe that your rights in relation to the protection of your data ( may have been violated.

Additional information

Information we collect

The data collected by the data controller are as follows:

  • Those provided by users through the different services offered on the web site
  • Those included in the different forms provided in the web site
  • Data collected through cookies for the improvement of the browsing experience as reported in the cookie policy.

The refusal to provide the mandatory data will make it impossible to meet the specific request in question.
You declare that the information and data you provide are accurate, current and truthful.
Please inform us immediately in the event of any changes so that the information being processed is always up to date and free of errors.

If you purchase the service/purchase the product through our website we will ask you to provide us with information about yourself, including your name, contact details and credit or debit card information.

Through this Privacy Policy we inform you that the photographs posted on the website are the property of MAGNORE SL, including those of minors, in which, in order to obtain them, the prior consent of parents, guardians or legal representatives has been obtained by signing the forms made for this purpose by the centers in which the minors are part of.
However, parents, guardians or legal representatives of minors, as holders of the exercise of their rights, and always upon formal written request, may indicate their refusal to the use of the image of the minor; in this case, the image will be shown pixelated.

Social networks

We inform you that MAGNORE SL may have a presence in social networks.
The processing of data carried out by the people who become followers in social networks (and / or perform any link or action of connection through social networks) of the official pages of MAGNORE SL will be governed by this section, as well as by those conditions of use, privacy policies and access regulations belonging to the social network that applies in each case and previously accepted by the user.

MAGNORE SL will process your data for the purposes of properly managing its presence in the social network, informing you of activities, products or services of the provider, as well as for any other purpose that the regulations of the Social Networks allow.

The publication of content is prohibited:

  • That are allegedly unlawful by national, community or international regulations or that carry out activities that are allegedly unlawful or contravene the principles of good faith.
  • That violate the fundamental rights of persons, lack of courtesy in the network, disturb or may generate negative opinions in our users or third parties and in general any content that MAGNORE SL considers inappropriate .
  • And in general that contravene the principles of legality, honesty, responsibility, protection of human dignity, protection of minors, protection of public order, protection of privacy, consumer protection and intellectual and industrial property rights.

Likewise, MAGNORE SL reserves the right to remove, without prior notice, from the website or the corporate social network any content deemed inappropriate.

Communications sent through social networks will be incorporated into a file owned by MAGNORE SL, being able to send you information of your interest.

You can access more information, as well as consult the companies that are part of MAGNORE SL, through the following link:

In any case, if you send personal information through the social network, MAGNORE SL shall be exempt from liability in relation to the security measures applicable to this platform, and the user should consult the specific conditions of the network in question if he/she wishes to know them.

Safety measures

The data you provide will be treated confidentially.
The provider has adopted all technical and organizational measures and all levels of protection necessary to ensure security in the processing of data and avoid its alteration, loss, theft, treatment or unauthorized access, according to the state of technology and nature of the data stored.
Likewise, it is also guaranteed that the treatment and registration in files, programs, systems or equipment, premises and centers comply with the requirements and conditions of integrity and security established in the current regulations.


The language applicable to this Privacy Policy is Spanish.
Therefore, in the event of any contradiction in any of the versions provided in other languages, the Spanish version shall prevail.

Send CV

In the event that the user sends his CV through our website, we inform you that the data provided will be processed to make you participate in the selection processes that may be carried out, carrying out an analysis of the applicant’s profile in order to select the best candidate for the vacant position of the person in charge.
We inform you that this is the only official procedure to accept your resume, so that resumes sent by other procedure will not be accepted.
In case of any modification in the data, please inform us in writing as soon as possible, in order to keep your data duly updated.

The data will be kept for a maximum period of one year, after which the data will be deleted, guaranteeing total respect for confidentiality both in the treatment and in its subsequent destruction.
In this sense, after the aforementioned period, and if you wish to continue participating in the selection processes of the Responsible, please send us your resume again.

The data may be processed and/or communicated to the companies of our group during the time your curriculum is kept and for the same purposes as mentioned above.

Publication of your testimonials

In case the user wants to publish their opinion on the website, we inform you that the data provided will be processed to address the proposed suggestions, experiences or opinions regarding the products and / or services to be published on the website and thus be able to help other users.
The data will be kept as long as there is a mutual interest to maintain the purpose of treatment and when it is no longer necessary for that purpose, will be deleted with appropriate security measures to ensure the pseudonymization of data or total destruction of the same.
Witnesses will be published on our website.
The only personal data that will be published about the witness will be his or her name.

MAGNORE SL reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence.


The consent given, both for the processing and for the transfer of the data of the interested parties, may be revoked at any time by communicating it to MAGNORE SL under the terms established in this Policy for the exercise of rights.
This revocation shall in no case be retroactive.


In general, the relationship between MAGNORE SL and the Users of its telematic services, present on this Website, are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction to which the parties expressly submit themselves, and the Courts and Tribunals of Tarragona shall be competent for the resolution of all disputes arising from or related to its use.

Last update: July 9, 2022