7 July 2022

Streaming education

Digitalization is allowing us to create new training modalities, such as “streaming” education: a format that allows us to teach the class through real-time broadcasting.

The other day we presented you some advantages and tips about streaming education, but today we will discuss in more detail this modality that is showing positive results in the learning process of users. Let’s get started!

What is streaming education?

The idea is to offer live lessons through a platform that allows the transmission of streaming content as well as the integration of other elements that favor user interaction and participation, such as a real-time chat where students can ask questions to the teacher or subject matter expert.

The advantages of live lessons

What if we tell you that the advantages are for both students and teachers? 😉 That’s right, in streaming education both parties benefit.

On the one hand, students can access the webcast from any device with an internet connection. During the rebroadcast, they can ask questions not only to the experts in the field, but also to the students, which encourages participation among the students and creates a community . And for those who have not been able to attend the live session, there is the option of viewing it on a recorded version.

On the other hand, as a teacher, offering your classes in streaming will mean a more personalized training with a wider scope, where the resolution of doubts in real time will favor the educational process of your students. In addition, if you opt for this format you are betting on innovation, and therefore, it will be a differentiating component with the competition.

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How to improve the learning experience

Before offering this modality, you should ensure that minimum requirements are met to enhance the learning experience of your students.

For example, we always recommend offering a good quality broadcast and incorporating a live chat, as well as the materials to be consulted to liven up the session and, if you are up for it, using the format of a inverted class (flipped classroom).

All this, within a secure learning platform that supports the specific needs of the course and includes other support sections for students, such as a forum for questions to be answered as soon as possible.

Where to start?

Now, as a teacher or training expert you will be interested to know how you can turn your training offerings around with streaming education and this is where we come in.

At Magnore we are committed to technology as an ally for the management and support of online and face-to-face events, so we offer event support classrooms (such as webinars, congresses or conferences) and equip the virtual campuses with different tools so you can broadcast your live sessions with the best quality, in a secure environment and with specialized technical support.

Surely you are eager to know more, so why not check out the services section of our website 😉 You can access through this link: https://www.magnore.com/servicios or contact us for more information via email [email protected] 👋

Magnore e-Learning

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